Let’s  draw  together!

Through the pandemic, we discovered that drawing could indeed be taught online. The added bonus was that we could reach students who were further away. Last year, I had the pleasure of working with Tom, a young man out in British Columbia, (whose testimonial you can read on the homepage) who was my first tutoring student. 

After dealing with the challenges of teaching online (“Is everyone there?”),I found that the rapport I could have with just one person was much more rewarding and Tom thought so too! We set up a weekly meeting for an hour at a time; some weeks we had 2 meetings, if this suited our schedules.

So what is your agenda? Are you looking to improve your drawing or to acquire some new skills? I have worked with children, teens, adult amateurs as well as established professionals.
Do you have a grandchild who is interested in drawing? Are you a teen who is wondering whether an art career is for you? ( Would you like some feedback for the portfolio you plan to submit to a college or university?) Are you looking for a new hobby and want to have fun creating characters? Are you a working professional who could use some new tips in creating more 3 dimensional characters?

Let’s have an online meeting.

Before we get started, I would need to know what it is exactly that you are looking to do.
I invite you to drop me a line in the email box and we can set up an online meeting for a half-hour at no charge.
When you engage me as your online tutor;
we would agree to the number of meetings and what time we would have them.
You would present me with your work and I can provide you with some assignments for the next meeting. It’s really up to you and what you are looking for.  
Payment is made via e-transfer. 
There is no contract.



for children (aged 10-12.)


for teens & seniors


for adults

Let’s draw together!

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