Look at great art!

Look at great art!

I am of the pre-internet generation; the phone had a dial (* why do we still say ‘dial a number’??) and it sat in one place, connected to the wall. The stationary phone connected us with the rest of the world. We had no computers and neither did the local...
It takes time!

It takes time!

I have only recently been delving into drawing chat rooms and art forums where young people are uploading their artwork and seeking comment. The idea of reaching out to others is to seek community; which is a good thing. To also try to find others in similar...
TALENT is but a SEED

TALENT is but a SEED

TALENT is but a SEED I have often heard people remark as they look upon student artwork; “They are so talented!” as if it was some magical ingredient. I believe that there’s nothing ‘magical’ about it- but the idea of talent is certainly...

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