Animal  Drawing  Workshops


This workshop recommended for teens, adults and working professionals.

In this 3 hour session, a variety of skulls and full skeletons will be drawn from. By analysing a skeleton’s form and function, we will explore using various tools; working with basic shapes to begin with and then refining a final study.

Venue required as I bring the bones! 

Note: See materials list at the bottom of this page.

Cost for on-site: $295.

(3 hours instruction for a maximum of 8 students )


This workshop recommended for teens, adults and working professionals.

In this 3 hour session, bird skeletons will be drawn from.
By analysing a skeleton’s form and function, we will explore using various tools; working with basic shapes to begin with and then refining a final study.

Venue required as I bring the birds!

Note: See materials list at the bottom of this page.

Cost for on-site: $295.

(3 hours instruction for a maximum of 8 students )


This workshop recommended for teens, adults and working professionals.

By breaking down the simplified skeletal forms, participants will gain an insight and  understanding of how the animal ‘model’ is constructed, according to its role in nature.
Four basic animal models will be compared: the horse, cow, dog and cat.

Note: See materials list at the bottom of this page.

Cost for on-site : $295.

(3 hours of instruction for a maximum of 8 participants.)

For online: individual cost of $125.

 (3 hours of instruction for up to 12 participants.)


This workshop recommended for teens, adults and working professionals.

In this intensive, the comparative anatomy of the horse, cow, dog and cat will be compared and simplified.

By understanding the animal model for the ‘inside-out’, rotating an animal’s pose becomes easier to do. With every successive class, a different body component will be studied; the skull and facial features, paws and hooves, as well as fur, hair and specific features such as horns and antlers. Gesture and memory drawing as well as the use of silhouette will be used to create strong poses as movement and emotion are explored.

For a venue: for 5 consecutive weekday mornings; from 10 am -1 pm.

Note: See materials list at the bottom of this page.

Cost for on-site : $975.

(15 hours of instruction for a maximum of 8 participants.)

For online: individual cost of $725.

 (15 hours of instruction for up to 12 participants.)

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